
In 2014, following a successful pilot with Omilia, Eurobank EFG took the decision to upgrade their old Voice IVR customer care portal to a new speech-enabled conversational customer care system with Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technology. 

The new system came online in March 2015 and has successfully served more than 4 million callers until today. The adoption of NLU technology has led Agent to Agent transfers to a significant decrease. With Omilia’s deepASR® and DiaManT® technologies we have achieved a CISR (Concept Identification Success Rate) consistently above 94%


EuroPhone Banking
25"h Martiou 15,
Tavros P.C. 17778
Phone: 210-9555000
Fax: 210-9555100

Athens 19/1/2017

To whom it may concern,

The Eurobank group is a dynamic banking group active in eight countries, with total assets of €68.2 billion and 15,935 employees. Established in 1990, the Group expanded through organic growth and acquisitions to become a leading force in recent years’ developments and the shaping of the banking sector.

With a total network of 900 branches in Greece and abroad. the Group offers a comprehensive range of financial products and services to its retail and corporate customers. The group’s philosophy focuses on delivering high quality banking services to its customers by actively engaging in continuous fintech innovation.

In 2014, following a successful pilot with Omilia, Eurobank EFG took the decision to upgrade our old Voice IVR customer care portal to a new speech-enabled conversational customer care system with NLU technology. Our new system came online in March 2015 and has successfully served more than 4 million callers until today.

The results from the change have proven to be excellent, and we have measured significant gains in three main aspects of our operations:

1) IVR & speech KPI’s:
a) The adoption of NLU technology has led Agent to Agent transfers to a significant decrease
b) With Omilia’s deepASR® and DiaManT® technologies we have achieved a CISR (Concept Identification Success Rate) consistently above 94%.

2) Cost Savings:
a) In 2016 for every euro cost payable to Omilia, Eurobank will realize almost 3 Euros savings, from Agent personnel costs perspective.

3)Customer Satisfaction: Eurobank has executed a detailed customer survey on July 2016
a) Customers that were successfully self-served from our conversational reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied by 85% and also stated that they would most probably or definitely use the platform again in the future, by 82%.

Having noted the above, we look back at our decision to improve our contact center with Omilia’s conversation customer care technology as one of the most successful decisions with significant impact to our customer-facing image.

Best regards

Konstantinos Koros
Contact Center Manager
Eurobank EFG