Hybrid event – 09/12

Meet Omilia at digitech21

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09 December 2021

1:15 PM

Exchange Hall, Manchester Central, Manchester M2 3GX


Join Omilia for an interactive, live demonstration of our Conversational AI Platform to see how Public Sector Services can use AI for better, faster and simpler experiences.

Citizens demand ease of use, transparency, performance and speed. To address these needs, Public Sector organisations need to innovate the way they support and engage their employees, users, and communities. AI powered services mean improved citizen experience, easier access to information, faster task resolution and expanded reach to multiple channels. 

 Join Omilia in Exchange Hall, Manchester Central to experience live how AI comes to the rescue and upgrades Public Services.

 Better citizen experience


 Multichannel 24/7 support


 Infinite scalability


 Transparency & easy access to information



Matthew Burton

Business Development Director – UK


The facts.