Achieve Your Digital Transformation Goals with Conversational Banking

Save time and money with automated banking transactions.
Fast deployment, hypertuned, out-of-the-box recognition and understanding of all key concepts for banking domain.

Achieve Your Digital Transformation Goals with Conversational Banking

Save time and money with automated banking transactions. Fast deployment, hypertuned, out-of-the-box recognition and understanding of all key concepts for banking domain.

Enhanced CX Fulfillment.

Your solution for frustrated customers and rising costs

55 %

Task completion

50 %

Understanding Accuracy

40 %

Authentication Success

Based on real-world results

The financial services industry is struggling to achieve its digital transformation goals. Issues include high abandonment rates, agent time wasted on lengthy authentication and compliance processes, and dealing with basic, repetitive questions.

These issues will only be overcome when AI is embedded into customer-facing and back-office functions – not just sales and service strategies.

With Omilia Conversational AI, financial services contact centers can create efficient workflows, strengthen security, and increase profitability leading to enhanced customer service fulfillment.

Unprecedented accuracy for unmatched understanding.

Understand your callers’ needs 96% of the time, get them to the right agent and eliminate time-wasting transfers.

Our Banking Virtual Agent is trained on hundreds of millions of real-life banking interactions and it’s pre-integrated into your Contact Center, so you can go into production in a matter of minutes.

Out-of-the-box recognition of all key concepts for banking domain.

Omilia Banking Virtual Agent has core skills out-of-the-box that can handle your customer’s repetitive inquiries leaving time for your human agents to tackle more complicated requests.

Bill Payment

Account Management

User Authentication

Loan Applications

Mortage Payments

Credit/debit Card

and more…

Out-of-the-box recognition of all key concepts for banking domain.

Omilia Banking Virtual Agent has core skills out-of-the-box that can handle your customer’s repetitive inquiries leaving time for your human agents to tackle more complicated requests.

Loan Applications

Bill Payment

Account Management

Mortage Payments

User Authentication

Credit/debit Card

Pre-trained for end-to-end Customer Journeys

Our Virtual assistant features more than 400 intents, spanning all lines of business, and includes 30 self-service customer journeys ready for API integration. These include natural language steering (call and chat), identification and validation with voice biometrics, and conversational account information.

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Conversational Chat

Automate Chat & Messaging for Digital CX

Almost 30% of calls to financial services company call centers are repetitive, with questions such as “Did my check deposit” and “What’s my balance” using up valuable agent time. These questions don’t require human interaction and should be answered before an agent gets involved.


Omilia Conversational Chatbots are website “concierges,” helping customers find the information without needing an agent.

Proactively reach your customers when they abandon digital product purchase paths.

Streamline business processes such as account opening on your web chat or mobile app.

Integrate our chatbot into your technology stack and extract detailed customer data to improve your decision-making.

Conversational Voice

Reduce Call Times and drive revenue

Queue abandon rates are higher than ever, and bad customer service automation experiences create headaches for customers and call center staff alike.

Omilia Conversational Voice fulfills frequently-asked requests that lead to low-value calls. It provides a more human IVA experience with zero-latency phone dialogs using Omilia’s all-in-one proprietary solution: Natural Lunguage Understanding + Speech-to-Text + Text-to-Speech + Dialog Manager.

Authentication and Anti-Fraud

Secure interactions with Voice Biometrics

Contact centers have become the weak link in financial services security. Global fraudsters are constantly targeting agents, attempting to steal sensitive information. And they’re succeeding. Your solution should keep the bad actors out while saving your customers’ time.

Authenticate your callers through their natural speaking patterns instead of traditional verification questions.

Identify higher-risk calls in real time while reducing call times for legitimate customers.

Use passive Voice Biometrics for a strong multi-factor authentication and identify the caller in as little as two seconds, saving up to 40 seconds per call.

Minimize friction for your callers, streamlining their experience and increasing their overall satisfaction.

Hear what our customers say

Learn How Omilia Can Help Financial Services Companies Streamline Calls And Save Agent Time
